public charge

public charge
a person who is in economic distress and is supported at government expense: He assured the American consul that the prospective immigrant would not become a public charge.

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  • public charge — A general term for a person who is in economic distress and who must be cared for at public expense. Category: Personal Finance & Retirement Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009. public charge …   Law dictionary

  • public charge — noun : one that is supported at public expense * * * a person who is in economic distress and is supported at government expense: He assured the American consul that the prospective immigrant would not become a public charge. [1880 85] * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • public charge — A person who cannot support himself, has no means of support, has no one to furnish him support, and accordingly must look to a public body or public welfare agency for his maintenance and care. Ex paste Fragoso (DC Cal) 11 F2d 988 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • charge — 1 n 1 a: something required: obligation b: personal management or supervision put the child in his charge c: a person or thing placed under the care of another 2: an authoritative instr …   Law dictionary

  • public — pub·lic 1 adj 1 a: exposed to general view public indecency b: known or recognized by many or most people 2 a: of, relating to, or affecting all of the people or the whole area of a nation or state public statutes b: of or relating to a go …   Law dictionary

  • charge|a|ble — «CHAHR juh buhl», adjective. 1. capable of being charged: »The salesman s travel expenses are chargeable to the company. 2. liable to be charged: »If a person steals he is chargeable with theft. 3. liable to become a public charge: »employment of …   Useful english dictionary

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  • charge — verb To impose a burden, duty, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to assess; to demand; to accuse; to instruct a jury on matters of law. To impose a tax, duty, or trust. To entrust with responsibilities and duties (e.g. care …   Black's law dictionary

  • charge — verb To impose a burden, duty, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to assess; to demand; to accuse; to instruct a jury on matters of law. To impose a tax, duty, or trust. To entrust with responsibilities and duties (e.g. care …   Black's law dictionary

  • charge — Synonyms and related words: accountability, accounting for, accounts payable, accounts receivable, accredit, accusal, accusation, accuse, accusing, achievement, action, activate, adjure, administration, admission, admission fee, admonish,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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