psychophysical parallelism
- psychophysical parallelism
the view that mental and bodily events occur in parallel series without causal interaction.
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in the philosophy of mind, a theory that excludes all causal interaction between mind and body inasmuch as it seems inconceivable that two substances as radically different in nature could influence one another in any way. Mental and physical phenomena are seen as two series of perfectly correlated events; the usual analogy is that of two synchronized clocks that keep perfect time. Thus, for parallelism, the mental event of a man's wishing to raise his arm is followed immediately by the physical event of his arm being raised, yet there is no need to postulate any direct causal connection.
Parallelism is usually associated with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm),
a 17th-
century German philosopher,
and mathematician who maintained that perfect correlation between mind and body was ensured by the Creator at the beginning of time in a “
preestablished harmony.”
Parallelism has been criticized on the grounds that a refusal to postulate causal connections in the face of constant correlation conflicts with the empirical procedures recognized in modern science, which call for the supposition of a cause wherever the coefficient of correlation between two sets of phenomena approaches 1. The case for parallelism, however, has been said to depend more on the validity of the arguments discrediting the possibility of interaction between mind and body than upon statistical theory.
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