
/proh"verrb'/, n. Gram.
a word that can substitute for a verb or verb phrase, as do in They never attend board meetings, but we do regularly.
[1905-10; by analogy with PRONOUN]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • pro-verb — ˈprō+ˌ noun Etymology: pro (II) + verb : a form of the verb do used to avoid repetition of a full verb (as do in “my brother smokes and I do too”) * * * /proh verrb /, n. Gram. a word that can substitute for a verb or verb phrase, as do in They… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro-verb — pro′ verb n. gram. a word that can substitute for a verb or verb phrase, as do in They never attend meetings, but I do[/ex] • Etymology: 1905–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • Pro-verb — In grammar, a pro verb is a word or phrase that stands in place of a verb (for example, in order that the verb not need to be repeated). It does for a verb what the more widely known pronoun does for a noun. It, along with pronouns and some other …   Wikipedia

  • pro-verb — noun Date: 1907 a form of the verb do used to avoid repetition of a verb (as do in “act as I do”) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • PRO (linguistics) — PRO (pronounced big pro , to distinguish it from pro, pronounced little/small pro ) is an empty category whose existence is postulated in classical Government and Binding Theory. There are two independent pieces of evidence for its existence: the …   Wikipedia

  • pro|ceed´er — pro|ceed «verb. pruh SEED, proh ; noun. PROH seed», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to go on after having stopped; move forward: »Please proceed with your story. The train proceeded at the same speed as before. SYNONYM(S): continue, progress. See syn. under …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|ceed — «verb. pruh SEED, proh ; noun. PROH seed», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to go on after having stopped; move forward: »Please proceed with your story. The train proceeded at the same speed as before. SYNONYM(S): continue, progress. See syn. under advance …   Useful english dictionary

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