- prostoon
/proh stoh"on/, n., pl. prostoa /-stoh"euh/.[ < Gk próstoon; see PRO-2, STOA]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Prostōon — (gr.), Vorhalle, Säulengang vor dem Hause, die zunächst am Eingange gelegene Halle des Peristyls … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
prostoon — /proh stoh on/, n., pl. prostoa / stoh euh/. (in classical architecture) a portico. [ < Gk próstoon; see PRO 2, STOA] … Useful english dictionary
Amerias — (Greek: Ἀμερίας, 3rd century BC) was an ancient Macedonian lexicographer, known for his compilation of a Glossary entitled (Γλῶσσαι Glossai terms,words ). Αnother of his works was called Ῥιζοτομικός, Rhizotomikos (ῥίζα + τέμνειν rhiza + temnein,… … Wikipedia