proprietary colony

proprietary colony
Amer. Hist.
any of certain colonies, as Maryland and Pennsylvania, that were granted to an individual or group by the British crown and that were granted full rights of self-government. Cf. charter colony, royal colony.

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Type of settlement in British North America (166090).

To repay political and financial debts, the British crown, beginning with Charles II, awarded supporters vast tracts of land in colonial New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and the Carolinas. The proprietors were to supervise and develop the colonies, which became successful enterprises. By 1690 concern about the colonies' growing independence from control by British officials led to the end of proprietary grants.

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United States history
  in British-American colonial history, a type of settlement dominating the period 166090, in which favourites of the British crown were awarded huge tracts of land in the New World to supervise and develop. Before this time most of the colonies had been financed and settled under the jurisdiction of joint stock companies operating under charters granted by the crown. After the Restoration (1660), Charles II used proprietaries as a device to meet pent-up demands for territorial expansion as well as to repay political and economic debts incurred in the struggle for the throne. Vast tracts of land in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and North and South Carolina were distributed in this way.

      Although proprietorships were feudal in origin, American proprietors were forced to yield power and privileges to their colonists. By the turn of the century most British officials, fearing the proprietaries' independence from parliamentary authority, favoured an end to the granting of new proprietary colonies despite their success. One important result of the proprietary movement was the diversification of settlers, who were attracted from several different countries rather than from England alone, thus helping to bring a more cosmopolitan character to the new country.

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Universalium. 2010.

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