proglottis — [ prɔglɔtis ] n. m. • 1843; lat. sav. , du gr. pro et glottis « langue », à cause de sa forme ♦ Zool. Anneau d un ver cestode (ténia, etc.). ⇒ strobile. Les proglottis sont placés en arrière du scolex. ● proglottis nom masculin (latin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Proglottis — Pro*glot tis, n.; pl. {Proglottides}. [NL. fr. Gr. ? the tip of the tongue; ? forward + ? the tongue.] (Zo[ o]l) One of the free, or nearly free, segments of a tapeworm. It contains both male and female reproductive organs, and is capable of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
proglottis — noun (plural proglottides) Etymology: New Latin proglottid , proglottis, from Greek proglōttis tip of the tongue, from pro + glōtta tongue more at gloss Date: 1855 proglottid … New Collegiate Dictionary
Proglottis — Als Proglottis (Plural Proglottiden; gr. Pro, vor und Glossa, Genitiv Glottis, Zunge) wird ein einzelnes, segmentähnliches Fortpflanzungsglied (Pseudosegment) eines Bandwurms bezeichnet. Bandwürmer (Cestoda) bestehen aus einem Kopf (Scolex) und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
proglottis — n.; pl. ides [Gr. pro, before; glotta, tongue] (PLATYHELMINTHES: Cestoda) A proglottid … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
proglottis — SYN: proglottid. * * * pro·glot·tis ( )prō glät əs n, pl glot·ti·des glät ə .dēz PROGLOTTID * * * n. (pl. proglottids or proglottides) one of the segments of a tapeworm. Mature segments, situated at the posterior end of the worm, each consist… … Medical dictionary
proglottis — prəʊ glÉ‘tɪs / glÉ’t n. body segment containing the reproductive organs of tapeworms (Zoology) … English contemporary dictionary
proglottis — pro·glot·tis … English syllables
proglottis — n.; pl. proglottids or proglottides one of the segments of a tapeworm. Mature segments, situated at the posterior end of the worm, each consist mainly of a branched uterus packed with eggs … The new mediacal dictionary
proglottis — /proʊˈglɒtəs/ (say proh glotuhs) noun (plural proglottides /proʊˈglɒtədiz/ (say proh glotuhdeez)) one of the segments or joints of a tapeworm, containing complete reproductive systems, usually both male and female. Also, proglottid /proʊˈglɒtəd/… …