
privatively, adv.
/priv"euh tiv/, adj.
1. causing, or tending to cause, deprivation.
2. consisting in or characterized by the taking away, loss, or lack of something.
3. Gram. indicating negation or absence.
4. Gram. a privative element, as a- in asymmetric.
5. something that is deprived.
[1350-1400; ME privatif < L privativus. See PRIVATE, -IVE]

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  • Privative — Priv a*tive, a. [L. privativus: cf. F. privatif. See {Private}.] 1. Causing privation; depriving. [1913 Webster] 2. Consisting in the absence of something; not positive; negative. [1913 Webster] Privative blessings, blessings of immunity,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Privative — Priv a*tive, n. [1913 Webster] 1. That of which the essence is the absence of something. [1913 Webster] Blackness and darkness are indeed but privatives. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. (Logic) A term indicating the absence of any quality which might be …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • privative — [priv′ə tiv] adj. [L privativus < pp. of privare: see PRIVATE] 1. depriving or tending to deprive 2. characterized by a taking away or loss of some quality 3. Gram. indicating negation, absence, or loss n. Gram. a privative term or affix, as A …   English World dictionary

  • privative — (adj.) 1580s, expressing negation (as the prefixes un , a , etc.), from L. privativus denoting privation, negative, from privatus, pp. of privare (see PRIVATE (Cf. private)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Privative — A privative, named from Latin [ [ bin/words.exe?privare privare] , at William Whitaker s Words.] , to deprive , is a particle that negates or inverts the value of the stem of the word. In Indo European languages… …   Wikipedia

  • privative — I. adjective Date: 14th century constituting or predicating privation or absence of a quality < non is a privative prefix > • privatively adverb II. noun Date: 1588 a privative term, expression, or proposition; also a privative prefix or suffix …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • privative a — noun An alpha privative …   Wiktionary

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