
primitivist, n.primitivistic, adj.
/prim"i ti viz'euhm/, n.
1. a recurrent theory or belief, as in philosophy or art, that the qualities of primitive or chronologically early cultures are superior to those of contemporary civilization.
2. the state of being primitive: the primitivism of the Stone Age peoples.
3. the qualities or style characterizing primitive art.
[1860-65; PRIMITIVE + -ISM]

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      an outlook on human affairs that sees history as a decline from an erstwhile condition of excellence (chronological primitivism) or holds that salvation lies in a return to the simple life (cultural primitivism). Linked with this is the notion that what is natural should be a standard of human values. Nature may mean what is intrinsic, objective, normal, healthy, or universally valid. Various senses of primitivism depend on whether the natural is set over against historical development; against artifact and contrivance; against law, custom, and convention; or against rational mental activity.

      Among historical expressions of primitivism are the Cynics' spurning of luxury, property, and social amenities; Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi'sfree and easy wanderingin the spontaneity of the Dao; the Greeks' pristine Golden Age; the biblical Garden of Eden; medieval monasticism; the Anabaptists' aloofness from bourgeois civilization; the Romantics' idealization of thesavage”; and modern nostalgia for thegoldenyears of childhood and yearning for thesimplicityof the past.

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Universalium. 2010.

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