pour le mérite

pour le mérite
/poohrdd leuh may rddeet"/, French.
for merit.

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▪ Prussian honor
English  Order for Merit 

      distinguished Prussian order established by Frederick II the Great in 1740, which had a military class and a class for scientific and artistic achievement. This order superseded the Ordre de la Générosité (French: “Order of Generosity”) that was founded by Frederick I of Prussia in 1667.

      Frederick William III made the order solely military in 1810, but in 1842 Frederick William IV created a civilian division for the arts and sciences. In this division were such prominent Germans as Savigny, Lessing, Mendelssohn, Schelling, Schlegel, Tieck, Meyerbeer, Grimm, and Humboldt. Foreign members included such luminaries as Count Borghese, Chateaubriand, Faraday, Herschel, Daguerre, Liszt, Rossini, and Carlyle. During the Franco-German War and World War I, the military division was the highest individual reward for gallantry in action. The order went into a period of stagnation after 1935 but was revived by the Federal Republic of Germany in 1952.

      Currently the order is awarded to men and women who have made outstanding achievements in either the arts or the sciences. Membership is limited to 30 German citizens, of whom 10 must be in the philosophic-scientific field, 10 in the natural sciences, and 10 in the arts. Foreigners (not more than 30) may become supernumerary members. The order, which has only one class, is administered by a chancellor elected by the members. If a place becomes vacant, the members themselves elect a new member.

      The badge is a gold medallion of the Prussian eagle surrounded by a blue-enameled scroll with the inscription Pour le Mérite (French: “For Merit”). An arrangement of F's and II's (for Frederick II) surrounds the eagle, and the scroll bears four crowns. The insignia are returned on the death of the holder.

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