- Port-au-Prince
/pawrt'oh prins", pohrt'-/; Fr. /pawrdd toh prddaonns"/, n.a seaport in and the capital of Haiti, in the S part. 550,000.
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City (metro. area pop., 1997: 1,556,000), seaport, and capital of Haiti, West Indies, on the southeastern shore of the Golfe de la Gonâve.Founded by the French in 1749, it was destroyed by earthquakes in 1751 and 1770 and has frequently suffered from fires and civil strife. In 1807 the port was opened to foreign commerce. It is the country's principal port and commercial centre, producing sugar, flour, cottonseed oil, and textiles.* * *
▪ Haiticapital, chief port, and commercial centre of the West Indian republic of Haiti. It is situated on a magnificent bay at the apex of the Gulf of Gonâve (Gonaïves), which is protected from the open sea by the island of La Gonâve. The city was laid out in a grid pattern in 1749 by the French and called L'Hôpital. It has suffered frequently from earthquakes (especially in 1751 and 1770), fires, and civil strife. It replaced Cap-Haïtien as the capital of the old French colony Saint-Domingue in 1770. In 1807 its port was opened to foreign commerce. Sanitary conditions were improved during U.S. occupation (1915–34). The city's bicentennial was commemorated in 1949 by an international exposition, the site of which is a palm-fronted promenade, now neglected and run-down.Unemployment is extremely high. There are some foreign-owned factories and assembly plants in the vicinity of the airport, but, otherwise, employment is mostly to be found in the informal sector, in such activities as cooking, shelling peanuts, and selling paintings and other handicrafts. There is air service to the United States, Canada, and France as well as to other Caribbean islands; however, the area surrounding the capital's international airport has been the site of violence, some of it caused by United Nations peacekeeping force conflicts with armed gang members. The level of tourism fluctuates with political conditions and has been in decline since the civil unrest and economic crisis of the 1980s. Tourism was also affected by the AIDS scare of the early 1980s, in which Haiti was erroneously identified as the place of origin for the disease. By the late 1980s AIDS researchers had found that male homosexual tourists had brought the disease to Haiti in the 1970s, though extreme poverty and lack of education still contribute to the spread of HIV in Port-au-Prince and throughout Haiti.The National Palace (rebuilt in 1918), the army barracks, and an imposing statue of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, hero of the wars of independence, dominate the Place du Champ-de-Mars in the centre of the city. The most picturesque site is the brash and bustling Iron Market, where the vendors are mostly women. Other notable landmarks include the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with the adjacent colonial cathedral, and the National Archives, National Library, and National Museum. Port-au-Prince is the centre of the political and intellectual life of the country and is the seat of the State University of Haiti (established in 1920). Recreation for the privileged centres around European-style social clubs, but the house of the local voodoo priest is still the heart of the urban poor community.Most of the Haitian elite (nearly all mulatto or nonblacks) live in the suburb of Pétionville in the 1,000–1,500-foot- (300–450-metre-) high hills southeast of Port-au-Prince. Haiti's small but politically important black middle class is also concentrated around Port-au-Prince. Squalor and neglect surround most of the black urban working class even more than it does the subsistence farmer, and constant migration from the countryside continues to exacerbate their misery. Slums such as Cité Soleil are among the largest and most deprived in the Americas. Pop. (2003 prelim.) city, 703,023; metropolitan area, 1,977,036.* * *
Universalium. 2010.