- policlinic
/pol'ee klin"ik/, n.a department of a hospital at which outpatients are treated.[1820-30; < G Poliklinik, equiv. to Gk póli(s) city + G Klinik CLINIC]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
policlinic — POLICLÍNIC, Ă, policlinici, ce, s.f., adj. 1. s.f. Instituţie medicală de consultaţii şi de tratament ambulatoriu, organizată teritorial şi pe specialităţi; clădire în care este instalată o astfel de instituţie. 2. adj. De policlinică. – Din fr.… … Dicționar Român
policlinic — (n.) 1827, originally, clinic held in a private house (instead of a hospital), from Ger. poliklinik, from Gk. polis city (see POLICY (Cf. policy) (1)) + Klinik, from Fr. clinique (see CLINIC (Cf. clinic)) … Etymology dictionary
policlinic — [päl΄i klin′ik] n. [Ger poliklinik < Gr polis, city (see POLICE) + Ger klinik < Fr clinique, CLINIC] the department of a hospital where outpatients are treated: cf. POLYCLINIC … English World dictionary
policlinic — pol·i·clin·ic päl ə .klin ik n a dispensary or department of a hospital at which outpatients are treated compare POLYCLINIC * * * poli·clin·ic (pol″e klinґik) [Gr. polis city + clinic] a city hospital, infirmary, or clinic. Cf. polyclinic … Medical dictionary
policlinic — pol·i·clin·ic || pÉ‘lɪ klɪnɪk / pÉ’lɪ n. outpatient medical clinic n. outpatient medical clinic … English contemporary dictionary
policlinic — pol·i·clinic … English syllables
policlinic — polyclinic … English homophone dictionary
policlinic — |pälə+ noun Etymology: German poliklinik, from Greek polis city + German klinik clinic, from French clinique more at police, clinic 1. : a clinic held formerly at private houses in a city or town for treatment of patients by advanced students… … Useful english dictionary
Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute — The Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute (later the Goring Institute) was founded in 1920 to further the science of psychoanalysis. Its founding members included Karl Abraham and Max Eitingon. The scientists at the institute furthered Sigmund Freud s… … Wikipedia
Philip John (psychiatrist) — Graduated in Medicine from Medical College, Trivandrum and holds MD in Psychiatry from the National Institute of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), the premier Institute for Neurosciences in India. Dr. Philip John is a Senior Consultant… … Wikipedia