Polari — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Polari Hablado en Reino Unido Hablantes no estimado, sólo como 2ª lengua Familia basado en el inglés, algunas lenguas romances y el romaní … Wikipedia Español
Polari — Gesprochen in Vereinigtes Königreich Sprachcodes ISO 639 1: ISO 639 2: mis (nicht kodierte Sprachen) ISO 639 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
polari — Element prim de compunere savantă cu semnificaţia (referitor la) polarizare . [var. polaro . / < fr., it. polari , cf. gr. polos – pol]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 26.07.2005. Sursa: DN POLARI /POLARO elem. polarizare . (< fr. polari ,… … Dicționar Român
polari- — ♦ Élément, du gr. polein « tourner ». ⇒POLARI , POLARO , élém. formant Élém. tiré, d apr. polaire, du gr. «tourner», entrant dans la constr. de qq. termes de biol., de phys. et d opt. V. polarimètre, polarimétrie, polarographe, polarographie et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Polari — Infobox Language name=Polari nativename=Palare, Parlary, Palarie, Palari, Parlyaree region=United Kingdom and Ireland speakers=no estimate available familycolor=Indo European family=based English, Italian and Romany with variations… … Wikipedia
Polari — /pəˈlari/ (say puh lahree) noun a slang language perhaps derived from a trading and military lingua franca of the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages, heavily influenced by Italian and Occitan; popular in British theatrical and comedy circles,… …
Polari — noun a) A cant used by the homosexual community in Britain, in the London fishmarkets, and in the theatre, attested since at least the 19th century and popularised in the 1950s and 1960s by the camp characters Julian and Sandy in the popular… … Wiktionary
polari — verb To talk … Wiktionary
polari... — po|la|ri..., Po|la|ri..., auch polaro..., Polaro... <zu mlat. polaris (vgl. ↑polar)> Wortbildungselement mit der Bedeutung »gegensätzliche Erscheinungen bzw. unterschiedliche Pole betreffend«, z. B. Polarimetrie, Polarigrafie … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Polari — ISO 639 3 Code : pld ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living … Names of Languages ISO 639-3