/poh"goh/, n.
Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory.

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American comic-strip character
      popular 20th-century American comic-strip character, a cartoon possum who was the main actor in an often politically charged daily newspaper strip of the same name.

      Pogo Possum represented Everyman, though he was a classic comedic straight man among the denizens of Okefenokee Swamp, a community outside of Waycross, Georgia. Although he was harmless and mild mannered, he could not avoid continually being drawn into the hare-brained schemes of his cigar-smoking friend, Albert Alligator; the swamp's self-proclaimed bespectacled intellectual, Dr. Howland Owl; and others. Perhaps most notably, on several occasions he was pressured by his friends to run for president of the United States.

      Created by cartoonist Walt Kelly (Kelly, Walt), Pogo first appeared in 1941 in the Dell Comics' anthology Animal Comics. For several years his standing was equal or subordinate to that of Albert Alligator. In 1948, however, Kelly created a newspaper comic strip around the possum, and the following year Pogo received his own ongoing Dell title. Although the comic books always hewed to clever but gentlefunny animalsstorytelling, the newspaper strip soon began to venture into political satire. Among Kelly's many targets were communist-hunting U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy (McCarthy, Joseph R.), the ultra-conservative John Birch Society, and presidents Lyndon Johnson (Johnson, Lyndon B.) and Richard Nixon (Nixon, Richard M.).

      Kelly produced the Pogo strip, as well as a number of original stories for bookshelf volumes, until his death in 1973, after which his wife, Selby, carried on the feature for a brief time. A short-lived revival with new writers in the late 1980s failed to rekindle the enthusiasm of Kelly's original, which had achieved a rare combination of critical acclaim and popularity among readers.

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