
/peuh duy"euh tree, poh-/, n.
the care of the human foot, esp. the diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders. Also called chiropody.
[1910-15; POD- + -IATRY]

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Medical specialty dealing with the foot.

Podiatrists diagnose and treat foot diseases, disabilities, and deformities by means of physical medicine and rehabilitation, special shoes and other mechanical devices, drugs, and minor surgery.

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also called  Chiropody,  

      medical specialty dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the human foot. The ancient Egyptian Ebers (Ebers papyrus) medical papyrus (c. 1500 BC) records some of the earliest remedies for foot problems, and other references to foot treatment are found in the medical literature of most succeeding centuries. The word chiropody derives from the first modern work that was primarily devoted to the medical care of the foot, a 1774 treatise by D. Low of London entitled Chiropodologia. Doctors specializing in foot care appeared in England in the late 18th century, and itinerantcorn cuttersbecame a fixture of North American rural life during the 19th century. The National Association of Chiropodists was founded in the United States in 1912 and became the American Podiatric Medical Association in 1983. The term podiatry was coined by M.J. Lewi of New York in 1917.

      Podiatrists diagnose and treat the diseases, disabilities, and deformities of the foot by physical therapy, special shoes and other mechanical devices, pharmaceuticals, and minor surgery. Podiatric medical schools in the United States prefer new students to have baccalaureate degrees before beginning podiatric study. The podiatry student must usually complete a four-year educational curriculum that embraces the fundamental medical sciences with an emphasis on their application to the human foot.

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  • podiatry — (n.) 1914, formed from Gk. pod , stem of pous foot (see FOOT (Cf. foot)) + iatreia healing, from iatros physician (see IATRIC (Cf. iatric)). An attempt to supplant chiropody (see CHIROPODIST (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • podiatry — ☆ podiatry [pō dī′ə trē, pədī′ə trē ] n. [< Gr pous (gen. podos), FOOT + IATRY] the profession dealing with the specialized care of the feet and, esp., with the treatment and prevention of foot disorders podiatrist n. podiatric [pō΄dē a′trik]… …   English World dictionary

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  • podiatry — noun Etymology: Greek pod , pous + English iatry Date: 1914 the medical care and treatment of the human foot called also chiropody • podiatric adjective • podiatrist noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • podiatry — noun chiropody …   Wiktionary

  • podiatry — The specialty concerned with the diagnosis and/or medical, surgical, mechanical, physical, and adjunctive treatment of the diseases, injuries, and defects of the human foot. SYN: chiropody, podiatric medicine, podology. [pod + G. iatreia …   Medical dictionary

  • podiatry — po|di|a|try [ pə daıətri ] noun uncount the care of feet and the treatment of foot diseases ╾ po|di|a|trist noun count …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • podiatry — study and treatment of disorders of the foot; chiropody Sciences and Studies …   Phrontistery dictionary

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