- pnld
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
PNLD — Police National Legal Database (Governmental » Police) … Abbreviations dictionary
pnld — paneled … Useful english dictionary
VESA Display Power Management Signaling — (or DPMS) is a standard from the VESA consortium for managing the power supply of video monitors for computers through the graphics card e.g.; shut off the monitor after the computer has been unused for some time (idle), to save power. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Recordable offence — A (crime) recordable offence is any offence under United Kingdom law where the police must keep records of convictions and offenders on the Police National Computer.[1] A crime recordable offence should not be confused with a crime reportable… … Wikipedia
Burkina — Faso Burkina Faso Flagge … Deutsch Wikipedia
Burkina Faso — Burkina Faso … Deutsch Wikipedia
Crime reportable offence — A crime reportable offence is any offence under United Kingdom law where the police must inform the Home Office on a either a Crimsec 1a or 2 form for statistical purposes. Offences in the following categories are generally considered a crime… … Wikipedia