- pneumogastric
/nooh'meuh gas"trik, nyooh'-/, Anat.adj.1. of or pertaining to the lungs and stomach.n.[1825-35; PNEUMO- + GASTRIC]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
pneumogastric — PNEUMOGÁSTRIC, Ă, pneumogastrici, ce, adj. Care este comun plămânilor şi stomacului. [pr.: pne u ] – Din fr. pneumogastrique. Trimis de ana zecheru, 24.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 PNEUMOGÁSTRIC adj. (anat.) vag. (Nerv pneumogastric.) Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Pneumogastric — Pneu mo*gas tric, a. [Pneumo + gastric.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the lungs and the stomach. n. The pneumogastric nerve. [1913 Webster] {Pneumogastric nerve} (Anat.), one of the tenth pair of cranial nerves which are distributed to the pharynx … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pneumogastric — [no͞o΄mōgas trik, nyo͞o΄mōgas′trik] adj. of the lungs and stomach n. former term for VAGUS … English World dictionary
Pneumogastric nerve — Pneumogastric Pneu mo*gas tric, a. [Pneumo + gastric.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the lungs and the stomach. n. The pneumogastric nerve. [1913 Webster] {Pneumogastric nerve} (Anat.), one of the tenth pair of cranial nerves which are distributed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pneumogastric nerve — noun a mixed nerve that supplies the pharynx and larynx and lungs and heart and esophagus and stomach and most of the abdominal viscera • Syn: ↑vagus, ↑vagus nerve, ↑nervus vagus, ↑pneumogastric, ↑tenth cranial nerve, ↑wandering nerve •… … Useful english dictionary
pneumogastric — adjective a) Of or pertaining to the lungs and the stomach b) vagus (attributive) … Wiktionary
pneumogastric — 1. Relating to the lungs and the stomach. 2. Obsolete term denoting the nervus vagus. SYN: gastropneumonic, gastropulmonary. [G. pneumon, lung, + gaster, stomach] * * * pneu·mo·gas·tric (noo″mo gasґtrik) [pneumo + gastric] pertaining to the … Medical dictionary
pneumogàstric — pneu|mo|gàs|tric Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
pneumogastric — adj. of the lungs and stomach … English contemporary dictionary
pneumogastric — adjective relating to the lungs and stomach … English new terms dictionary