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  • PMS — steht für: Podcast Management System, Verwaltungssoftware für Podcasts inkl. Load Balancing Partido Mexicano Socialista, ehemalige sozialistische Partei in Mexiko Prämenstruelles Syndrom, eine Kombination von Symptomen, die bei Frauen einige Tage …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PMS — 〈Abk. für〉 prämenstruelles Syndrom * * * PMS = prämenstruelles Syndrom. * * * PMS,   prämenstruelles Syndrom …   Universal-Lexikon

  • PMS — [ˌpi: em ˈes] n [U] premenstrual syndrome the unpleasant physical and emotional feelings that many women have before their ↑period starts …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • PMS — [ ,pi em es ] noun uncount premenstrual syndrome: the pain and unpleasant feelings some women have just before their PERIOD every month …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pms — (premenstrual syndrome) (Medicine) syndrome affecting some women in the days prior to menstruation (involves emotional and physiological symptoms such as water retention, mood swings, headaches, and more) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • PMS — PMS, das; auch ohne Artikel = prämenstruelles Syndrom (Medizin) …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

  • PMS — ► ABBREVIATION ▪ premenstrual syndrome …   English terms dictionary

  • PMS — abbrev. PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME …   English World dictionary

  • PMS — noun a syndrome that occurs in many women from 2 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation • Syn: ↑premenstrual syndrome • Hypernyms: ↑syndrome * * * I. abbreviation pregnant mare serum II. ˌpē(ˌ)emˈes noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • PMS —    Premenstrual Syndrome.    This is STARTED by some predictable neurohormonal imbalances. On the other hand, the individual woman s symptoms are very idiosyncratic, since the neurohormonal interplay CAN effect virtually any tissue. What it DOES… …   Herbal-medical glossary

  • PMS — Pantone Inc. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pantone. Nuancier Pantone. Pantone Inc. est une société américaine basée …   Wikipédia en Français

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