
/plev"en/, n.
a city in N Bulgaria: siege of 143 days 1877. 108,180.
Also, Plevna /plev"nah/.

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      town, northern Bulgaria. It lies a few miles east of the Vit River, which is a tributary of the Danube. At one time a Thracian settlement called Storgosia, the town was destroyed by Huns and was restored by the emperor Justinian I in the 6th century. Renamed Kajluka by Slavs, it became Hungarian in 1266, and the name Pleven was used from 1270 onward. As a key fortress of the Ottoman Empire, it became an important trade centre in the 15th19th century.

      Pleven is now a service town for an agricultural hinterland and also has food-processing, textile, engineering, cement, woodworking, rubber, and tobacco industries. Pleven has good road and rail connections. Innumerable monuments and eight museums in the area are devoted to the Siege of Pleven (Pleven, Siege of) , a lengthy and important engagement of the Russo-Turkish War of 187778. There is also the Liberation Museum, which was established in 190507. The fertile agricultural area in which Pleven is located is well irrigated by the Danube and several tributaries. Grains, grapes, fruits, and cattle are the area's major products. Pop. (2004 est.) 115,354.

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Universalium. 2010.

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