platinoid — PLATINOÍD, platinoide, s.n. Aliaj de cupru, nichel şi zinc de culoarea platinei (1), care se foloseşte în electrotehnică sau pentru ornamentaţii. – Din fr. platinoïde, germ. Platinoid. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 22.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 platinoíd s … Dicționar Român
Platinoid — Plat i*noid, a. [Platinum + oid.] Resembling platinum. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Platinoid — Plat i*noid, n. (Chem.) An alloy of German silver containing tungsten; used for forming electrical resistance coils and standards. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Platinoid — Platinoid, Legierung aus Nickel, Zink, Kupfer, Wolfram, besitzt großen elektrischen Widerstand und dient zur Konstruktion von Rheostaten … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Platinoid — Platinoid, s. Nickellegierungen … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Platinoid — Platinoīd, eine Nickel Zink Kupfer Wolfram Legierung, dient wegen ihres großen Leitungswiderstandes zur Herstellung von Drähten für Rheostaten … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
platinoid — [plat′ n oid΄] adj. [ PLATIN(UM) + OID] resembling platinum n. 1. an alloy of copper, nickel, zinc, and tungsten, having a strong resistance to electric current: used in resistors, thermocouples, etc. 2. any metal associated with platinum … English World dictionary
platinoid — /ˈplætənɔɪd/ (say platuhnoyd) adjective 1. resembling platinum: the platinoid elements. –noun 2. any of the metals (palladium, iridium, etc.) with which platinum is usually associated. 3. an alloy of copper, zinc, and nickel, to which small… …
platinoid — 1. adjective Of or resembling platinum 2. noun a) Any of several metals that resemble platinum in their chemistry; especially osmium, iridium and … Wiktionary
Platinoid — Pla|ti|no|id, das; [e]s, e [zu griech. oeide̅̓s = ähnlich]: Legierung aus Kupfer, Nickel u. a. * * * Pla|ti|no|id, das; [e]s, e [zu griech. oeide̅s = ähnlich]: Legierung aus Kupfer, Nickel u. a … Universal-Lexikon