
/play"neuhr/, n.
1. Carpentry. a power machine for removing the rough or excess surface from a board.
2. Metalworking. a machine for cutting flat surfaces, having a cutting tool supported by an overhead frame beneath which the work slides back and forth. Cf. shaper (def. 2).
3. Typesetting. a block of smooth, hard wood for leveling the type in a chase by tapping with a mallet.
[1375-1425; late ME; see PLANE2, -ER1]

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Metal-cutting machine tool in which the workpiece is firmly attached to a horizontal table that moves back and forth under a single-point cutting tool.

The tool-holding device is mounted on a crossrail so that the tool can be moved across the table in small sideward movements. Since the cutting tool can be moved at almost any angle, a wide variety of grooves and surfaces can be generated. Mechanical planers, or surfacers, are also used to smooth wood to an even thickness. Planers perform the same operations as shapers but can machine workpieces up to 50 ft (15 m) long.

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▪ metal-cutting machine
      metal-cutting machine in which the workpiece is firmly attached to a horizontal table that moves back and forth under a single-point cutting tool. The tool-holding device is mounted on a crossrail so that the tool can be fed (moved) across the table in small, discrete, sideward movements at the end of each pass of the table. Since the cutting tool can be moved at almost any angle, a wide variety of grooves and surfaces can be generated. The length and speed of its table travel also may be adjusted.

      Mechanical planers, or surfacers, also are used for smoothing wood to an even thickness. The planer consists of a frame, a bed that can be moved up and down, feed rolls, a feeding mechanism, and a cylindrical cutting head holding three or more knives that pare off the excess wood. Models range from the single planer, which smooths one surface of a board at a time, to machines that can finish several surfaces simultaneously. Planer sizes are indicated by the width of work that can be accommodated, ranging from 45 to 125 cm (18 to 50 inches).

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