
Seph. Heb. /pee yooht"/; Ashk. Heb. /pee"yoot/, n., pl. Piyyutim Seph. Heb. /pee yooh teem"/; Ashk. Heb. /pi yooh"tim/. Judaism.
a liturgical poem included in the services on holidays and special Sabbaths in addition to the established prayers.

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Jewish literature
also spelled  piyut , plural  piyyutim , or  piyutim , Hebrew  piyūṭ 

      (“liturgical poem”), one of several types of liturgical compositions or religious poems, some of which have been incorporated into Jewish liturgy and have become virtually indistinguishable from the mandatory service, especially on the Sabbath and on Jewish religious festivals.

      Piyyutim were first composed in Palestine about the 4th or 5th century AD. It is not quite clear whether they arose merely as natural expressions of religious sentiments or as a deliberately disguised response to persecutions. In any case, piyyutim served a special purpose when, for example, a decree of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I (AD 553) forbade Talmudic studies and the teaching of the Bible. Because the liturgy itself was not proscribed, piyyutim were used to inculcate such fundamental precepts as observance of the Sabbath and religious festivals and to exhort the congregation to love the Torah, to believe in God, and to place its hope and trust in God's abiding providence. These religious poems also served as a reminder of times past when God showed he had not abandoned his chosen people.

      The renowned Jewish philosopher Saʿadia ben Joseph (882942) was an ardent advocate of piyyutim in Babylonia, but religious poetry met strong opposition there as an unnecessary innovation in the liturgy. Still, the piyyutim survived in Babylonia also because the common people responded to poetic songs that placed their suffering in a religious context.

      During the European Middle Ages, piyyutim were the most cultivated form of Hebrew literature, especially in Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. Rhyme was introduced in Spain, where piyyutim reached the height of their development. Among early masters of this poetry were Yose ben Yose, Yannai, and his pupil Eleazar Kalir, none of whose dates can be fixed with certainty.

      As late as the 18th century, piyyutim continued to be written, but only rarely were these later poems made part of standard liturgies.

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