pitch shot
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pitch shot — noun a high approach shot in golf • Syn: ↑pitch • Derivationally related forms: ↑pitch (for: ↑pitch) • Hypernyms: ↑approach, ↑approach shot … Useful english dictionary
pitch shot — /ˈpɪtʃ ʃɒt/ (say pich shot) noun (in golf) a shot, used to approach the green, that lifts the ball steeply up, often with backspin applied, to prevent it rolling when it lands …
pitch and run — noun A pitch shot played so that the ball runs on after pitching • • • Main Entry: ↑pitch * * * n. Golf a pitch shot with a low trajectory and no backspin, so that the ball runs forward on landing … Useful english dictionary
pitch — 1. v. & n. v. 1 tr. (also absol.) erect and fix (a tent, camp, etc.). 2 tr. a throw; fling. b (in games) throw (a flat object) towards a mark. 3 tr. fix or plant (a thing) in a definite position. 4 tr. express in a particular style or at a… … Useful english dictionary
pitch — pitch1 noun 1》 the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone. ↘a standard degree of highness or lowness used in performance: the guitars were strung and tuned to pitch. 2》… … English new terms dictionary
pitch — pitch1 pitchable, adj. /pich/, v.t. 1. to erect or set up (a tent, camp, or the like). 2. to put, set, or plant in a fixed or definite place or position. 3. to throw, fling, hurl, or toss. 4. Baseball. a. to deliver or serve (the ball) to the… … Universalium
pitch — pitch1 [ pıtʃ ] noun ** ▸ 1 how high/low sound is ▸ 2 strength of emotion etc. ▸ 3 something you say to persuade ▸ 4 a throw of the ball ▸ 5 black sticky substance ▸ 6 slope of roof etc. ▸ 7 ship/aircraft movement ▸ 8 in climbing ▸ 9 high hit in… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pitch — I UK [pɪtʃ] / US noun Word forms pitch : singular pitch plural pitches ** 1) a) [countable] British a flat area of ground for playing particular sports on. The American word is field a football/cricket/rugby pitch a synthetic/artificial/all… … English dictionary
pitch — I [[t]pɪtʃ[/t]] v. t. 1) to erect or set up (a tent, camp, or the like) 2) to put, set, or plant in a fixed or definite place or position 3) to throw, fling, hurl, or toss 4) spo baseball a) to deliver or serve (the ball) to the batter b) spo to… … From formal English to slang
Pitch Black (film) — Pitch Black Theatrical poster Directed by David Twohy Produced by Tom Enge … Wikipedia