
/pin"toh, peen"-/, adj., n., pl. pintos.
1. marked with spots of white and other colors; mottled; spotted: a pinto horse.
2. Western U.S. a pinto horse.
3. See pinto bean.
[1855-60, Amer.; < AmerSp (obs. Sp) < VL *pinctus painted; see PINTA]

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Spotted horse, also called paint, piebald, skewbald, and other terms to describe variations in colour and markings.

The American Indian ponies of the western U.S. were often pintos. Most pure-breed associations refuse to register horses with pinto colouring. Pintos have colour patterns called overo (white spreading irregularly up from the belly, mixed with a darker colour) and tobiano (white spreading down from the back in smooth, clean-cut patterns).

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      (Spanish: “Painted”), a spotted horse; (horse) the Pinto has also been called paint, particoloured, pied, piebald, calico, and skewbald, terms sometimes used to describe variations in colour and markings. The Indian ponies of the western United States were often Pintos, and the type was often considered of poor quality. The pure-breed associations usually refuse to register horses with pinto colouring. The colour does not determine the type of horse, however, and many fine Pintos have been developed. The Pinto Horse Association of America, organized in 1956, registers all breeds and types of horse on the basis of colour. The American Paint Horse Association, formed in 1965 by merger of the American Paint Quarter Horse Association and the American Paint Stock Horse Association, also considers breeding for registration and is concerned only with stock- and quarter-type horses. Pintos have colour patterns called overo (white spreading irregularly up from the belly, mixed with a darker colour) and tobiano (white spreading down from the back in smooth, clean-cut patterns).

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