
pilgrimatic, pilgrimatical, adj.
/pil"grim, -greuhm/, n.
1. a person who journeys, esp. a long distance, to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion: pilgrims to the Holy Land.
2. a traveler or wanderer, esp. in a foreign place.
3. an original settler in a region.
4. (cap.) one of the band of Puritans who founded the colony of Plymouth, Mass., in 1620.
5. a newcomer to a region or place, esp. to the western U.S.
[1150-1200; ME pilegrim, pelegrim, c. OFris pilegrim, MLG pelegrim, OHG piligrim, ON pilagrimr, all < ML pelegrinus, dissimilated var. of L peregrinus PEREGRINE]

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Universalium. 2010.

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