piano nobile

piano nobile
/pyah"naw naw"bee le/, pl. piani nobili /pyah"nee naw"bee lee/. Italian.
the principal story of a large building, as of a palace or villa.

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(Italian: "noble floor") In a Renaissance building, the first floor above ground level.

In the typical palace erected by an Italian prince, the large, high-ceilinged reception rooms were in this upper, main story. Often a grand exterior staircase or pair of staircases led from ground level up to the piano nobile.

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      (Italian:noble floor”), in architecture, main floor of a Renaissance building. In the typical palazzo, or palace, erected by an Italian prince of the Renaissance, the main reception rooms were in an upper story, usually the story immediately above the basement or ground floor. These rooms had higher ceilings than the rooms on the other floors of the palace and were more elegantly decorated. Often a grand exterior staircase or pair of staircases led from ground level up to the piano nobile. The term is also used in reference to the main floors of similarly constructed buildings of the English Palladian style of the 18th century and of those built in Great Britain and the United States during the Renaissance revival of the mid- and late 19th century.

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