- pharmacopoeia
/fahr'meuh keuh pee"euh/, n. Pharm.1. a book published usually under the jurisdiction of the government and containing a list of drugs, their formulas, methods for making medicinal preparations, requirements and tests for their strength and purity, and other related information.2. a stock of drugs.Also, pharmacopeia.[1615-25; < NL < Gk pharmakopoiía drug-maker's art, equiv. to phármako(n) drug + -poi(os) making (poi(eîn) to make + -os adj. suffix) + -ia -IA]
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▪ medical treatisebook published by a government, or otherwise under official sanction, to provide standards of strength and purity for therapeutic drugs (drug). The primary function of a pharmacopoeia is to describe the formulation of each drug on the selected list. The provisions of the pharmacopoeia are binding upon all who produce drugs and who dispense them.The task of compiling most pharmacopoeias is carried out by experts in the professions of medicine, chemistry, and pharmacy at the request of the agency undertaking the compilation. Most programs are financed from government funds, but the British Pharmacopoeia and the Pharmacopeia of the United States are written by private, nonprofit organizations with the sanction of their respective governments. The proceeds of their sale support their revision. Most countries not having a national pharmacopoeia have adopted one of another country or countries or, in some cases, the International Pharmacopoeia, which was put forward by the World Health Organization in 1951 as a recommendation aimed at minimizing or eliminating variations among national pharmacopoeial standards.* * *
Universalium. 2010.