
phallicist, phallist, n.
/fal"euh siz'euhm/, n.
worship of the phallus, esp. as symbolic of power or of the generative principle of nature.
Also, phallism /fal"iz euhm/.
[1880-85; PHALLIC + -ISM]

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▪ primitive religion
      worship of the generative principle as symbolized by the sexual organs or the act of sexual intercourse. Although religious activities that involve sexuality or the symbolism of the male or female sexual organs are sometimes called phallic cults, there is no evidence that any cult is preeminently phallic.

      The most important forms of sexual rituals are those in which intercourse is believed to promote fertility, those that release a flood of creative energy by breaking boundaries and by returning a culture to the state of primeval and powerful chaos (e.g., the orgy during New Year festivals), or those in which sexual intercourse symbolizes the bringing together of opposites (e.g., alchemy or Tantrism, a Hindu esoteric meditation system).

      In other traditions objects of adoration are representations of the sexual organs (e.g., the phallus borne in Dionysian processions in Greece and Rome; the male lingam and female yoni in India) or deities with prominent genitals (e.g., Priapus in Greece). In these instances, the powers of creativity that the sexual organ represents, rather than the organ itself, are worshiped.

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