- phalarope
/fal"euh rohp'/, n.any of three species of small, aquatic birds of the family Phalaropodidae, resembling sandpipers but having lobate toes.[1770-80; < F < NL Phalaropus genus name < Gk phalar(ís) coot + -o- -O- + -pous -footed; see -POD]
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(25–25 cm) long, with lobed toes and a straight, slender bill. In summer, their gray-and-white plumage has red markings. Females fight for nesting territory and court the males; males, smaller and duller, do all the nesting duties and lead the young south in autumn. Two species breed around the Arctic Circle and winter on tropical oceans, where they are known as sea snipe. Wilson's phalarope (P. tricolor) breeds in western North America and migrates to the Argentine pampas.* * *
▪ bird(Greek: “coot-foot”), any of three species of shorebirds that are part of the family Scolopacidae (order Charadriiformes). They are lightly built, slim-necked birds, about 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 inches) long, and have lobed toes, adapted to swimming. Phalaropes are noted among birds for complete reversal of sex roles. Females, larger and more brightly coloured than males, fight for nesting territories and do the courting; males undertake all nesting duties and lead the young southward in autumn after the females have departed.Phalaropes are marked with red and soft gray in summer; in winter they are gray and white. Two species that breed around the Arctic Circle are the red phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius), called gray phalarope in Britain, and the northern phalarope (P. lobatus), called red-necked phalarope in Britain. Both species winter on tropical oceans, where they are known as sea snipe. Wilson's phalarope (P. tricolor) breeds primarily in interior western North America and migrates chiefly to the Argentine pampas.* * *
Universalium. 2010.