
/feuh lan"jeuhr/, n.
any of numerous arboreal marsupials of the family Phalangeridae, of Australia, having foxlike ears and a long, bushy tail.
[1765-75; < F (Buffon) or < NL (1780) < Gk phalang-, s. of phálanx PHALANX + NL -er, of unclear orig.; the name refers to the syndactylous 2d and 3d digits of the hind feet]

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      any of several species of Australasian marsupial mammals. They are called possums in Australia and Tasmania.

      True phalangers are of the family Phalangeridae, which includes the cuscus (q.v.). They are tree-dwelling animals: the clawless innermost hind digit and, sometimes, the first and second digits of the forefoot are opposable, making it possible for the animal to grasp branches. The second and third digits of the hind foot are united. The tail is long and prehensile. The pouch opens forward; there are usually two to four teats. The first incisor tooth is long and stout; the side teeth are tiny. The coat is often woolly, and many species are striped. Total length ranges from 55 to 125 cm (22 to 50 inches).

      Phalangers are native to the forests of Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea, and islands west to Celebes and east to the Solomons. All are herbivorous, feeding on fruits, leaves, and blossoms. Some species also eat insects and small vertebrates. Phalangers are active chiefly at night. Most bear their youngusually only one but sometimes up to threein tree hollows and unused birds' nests; a few build leafy nests of their own.

      Several species are endangered: they are the prey of snakes and cats, they have been trapped for their fur, and they are threatened by loss of habitat. In Australia some species, such as the scaly-tailed possum (Wyulda squamicaudata), are now protected. The common brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), however, the most widely distributed Australian and Tasmanian marsupial, is considered a pest, and in some areas steps have been taken to control its population growth. The two other species of brush-tailed possum, the northern brush-tailed possum (T. arnhemensis) and the mountain brush-tailed possum (T. caninus), are also relatively common.

      Species of other marsupial families, such as Phascolarctidae, Petauridae, Burramyidae, and Tarsipedidae, are often referred to as phalangers and have sometimes been included in the Phalangeridae family. Several of these phalangers are arboreal gliders who use flaps of skin along their flanks as sails with which to ride from tree to tree. See glider.

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