
/fay"i tn/ or, esp. Brit., /fayt"n/, n.
1. any of various light, four-wheeled carriages, with or without a top, having one or two seats facing forward, used in the 19th century.
2. a vintage automobile of the touring-car type.
[1585-95; special use of L Phaeton, var. of PHAETHON PHAETHON]

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      open, four-wheeled, doorless carriage, popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. It contained one or two seats, usually had a folding, or falling, top, and was owner-driven (i.e., it had no outside driver's seat). The most spectacular phaeton was the English four-wheeled high-flyer, the body of which consisted of a light seat for two, resting atop two sets of springs and reached by ladder.

      Much more reasonably constructed and graceful phaetons were the mail and the spider phaetons. The mail phaeton, used chiefly to convey passengers with luggage and as a traveling and posting carriage, was so named because it was constructed with mail springs originally designed for mail coaches. The spider phaeton, of American origin, was a light vehicle made for gentlemen drivers. The Stanhope and Tilbury phaetons were also fashionable carriages, both used at horse shows. Double phaetons had two seats, and extension-top phaetons resembled better surreys and simpler cabriolets.

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