
/fee"dreuhs, fed"reuhs/, n.
fl. A.D. c40, Roman writer of fables.

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born с 15 BC, Thrace
died с AD 50, Italy

Roman fabulist.

A slave by birth, Phaedrus became a freedman in Augustus's household. He was the first writer to Latinize whole books of fables, producing free versions in iambic metre of Greek prose fables that were then circulating under the name of Aesop. Phaedrus's renderings, noted for their charm, brevity, and didacticism, became very popular in medieval Europe; they include such favourites as "The Fox and the Sour Grapes" and "The Wolf and the Lamb."

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Roman fabulist
born c. 15 BC, Thrace
died AD 50, , Italy

      Roman fabulist, the first writer to Latinize whole books of fables (fable), producing free versions in iambic metre of Greek prose fables then circulating under the name of Aesop.

      A slave by birth, Phaedrus went to Italy early in life, became a freedman in the emperor Augustus' household, and received the usual education in Greek and Latin authors.

      The poets Ennius, Lucilius, and Horace had introduced fables into their poems, but Phaedrus considered himself a genuine, pioneering artist whose poems, combining charm with a serious didactic purpose, were assured of immortality. He also prided himself on his brevity. The fables of Phaedrus include such favourites asThe Fox and the Sour Grapes,” “The Wolf and the Lamb,” “The Lion's Share,” “The Two Wallets,” andThe Pearl in the Dung-Heap.” His work became extremely popular in the Middle Ages. Numerous prose and poetic versions of his tales appeared in Europe and Britain. A collection called Romulus was the basis of most of them; Phaedrus' identity having been lost, some scholars assumed that Romulus was the author.

      In the early 18th century a manuscript was discovered at Parma that contained 64 fables of Phaedrus, of which 30 were new. Another manuscript was later found in the Vatican and published in 1831. Later research identified 30 more fables as written in the iambics of Phaedrus.

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