Petrarchan sonnet

Petrarchan sonnet
a sonnet form popularized by Petrarch, consisting of an octave with the rhyme scheme abbaabba and of a sestet with one of several rhyme schemes, as cdecde or cdcdcd. Also called Italian sonnet.

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  • Petrarchan sonnet — [pi trär′kən] n. a sonnet composed of a group of eight lines (octave) with two rhymes abba abba, and a group of six lines ( sestet) with two or three rhymes variously arranged, typically cde cde or cdc dcd: the thought or theme is stated and… …   English World dictionary

  • Petrarchan sonnet — noun a sonnet consisting of an octave with the rhyme pattern abbaabba, followed by a sestet with the rhyme pattern cdecde or cdcdcd • Syn: ↑Italian sonnet • Hypernyms: ↑sonnet * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized P : a sonnet composed of an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Petrarchan sonnet — noun A sonnet comprising of an octave and a closing sestet, following the rhyme scheme of either abba abba cde cde or abba abba cd cd cd or abba abba cce dde or abba abba cdd cee. The first type of sonnet. Also known as Italian sonnet …   Wiktionary

  • Petrarchan sonnet — /pəˌtrakən ˈsɒnət/ (say puh.trahkuhn sonuht) noun a sonnet having an octave rhyming abbaabba and a sestet with various schemes; Italian sonnet. Compare Shakespearean sonnet …  

  • Petrarchan sonnet — Petrar′chan son′net n. pro a sonnet form, popularized by Petrarch, consisting of an octave rhyming abbaabba, and a sestet usu. rhyming cdecde or cdcdcd[/ex] Also called Italian sonnet Etymology: 1905–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • Petrarchan sonnet — noun Etymology: Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca) Date: circa 1909 Italian sonnet …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Petrarchan — (also Petrarchanism, Petrarchian) Is a type of sonnet, which refers to a concept of unattainable love first developed by Italian humanist and writer, Francesco Petrarch. Petrarch either invented or made famous the Italian sonnet pattern, which is …   Wikipedia

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  • sonnet — [sän′it] n. [Fr < It sonnetto < Prov sonet, dim. of son, a sound, song < L sonus, a SOUND1] a poem normally of fourteen lines in any of several fixed verse and rhyme schemes, typically in rhymed iambic pentameter: sonnets… …   English World dictionary

  • sonnet — sonnetlike, adj. /son it/, n. 1. Pros. a poem, properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea, or sentiment, of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to one of certain definite schemes, being in the… …   Universalium

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