
/pay"soh/; Sp. /pe"saw/, n., pl. pesos /-sohz/; Sp. /-saws/.
1. a coin and monetary unit of Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Mexico, and the Philippines, equal to 100 centavos.
2. a coin and monetary unit of Uruguay, equal to 100 centesimos.
3. a former monetary unit of Argentina, equal to 100 centavos: replaced by the austral in 1985.
4. a former silver coin of Spain and Spanish America, equal to eight reals; dollar; piece of eight; piaster.
[ < Sp: lit., weight < L pensum something weighed, n. use of neut. of pensus, ptp. of pendere to weigh]

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 the monetary unit of several Latin American countries and the Philippines; it is divided into 100 centavos. The peso was introduced into Spain by the monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella, who reformed the Spanish coinage system in 1497; it did not come into common use, though, until the time of Charles I (the emperor Charles V).

      Originally divided into eight reales, the peso subsequently became the basis of the silver coinage of the Spanish empire after the monetary reform of 1772–86. In the Americas it was called “piece of eight,” or “Spanish milled dollar,” and was, in fact, equivalent to the U.S. silver dollar. It was retained as the basic coin by most of the Spanish colonies in the Americas when they gained their independence. When these countries adopted the decimal system for their coinage, a local name was in several cases substituted for the term peso. Thus it was renamed sol in Peru, bolivar in Venezuela, sucre in Ecuador, colón in El Salvador and Costa Rica, balboa in Panama, lempira in Honduras, quetzal in Guatemala, córdoba in Nicaragua, and boliviano in Bolivia. Other countries, such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, and Uruguay, continued to use the term peso. Even where the name was officially changed, peso often continued to be used in popular speech. Spain first adopted the peseta as a monetary unit in 1859 and, except briefly from 1864 to 1868, retained the peseta as the basic unit until 2002, when the euro, the monetary unit of the European Union, became the country's sole currency.

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