
/perr"sheuhs, -shee euhs/, n. (Aulus Persius Flaccus)
A.D. 34-62, Roman satirist.

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Roman poet
in full  Aulus Persius Flaccus  
born AD 34, , Volaterrae [now Volterra, Italy]
died 62, Campania

      Stoic poet whose Latin satires reached a higher moral tone than those of other classical Latin poets (excepting Juvenal).

      A pupil and friend of the Stoic philosopher Lucius Annaeus Cornutus (Cornutus, Lucius Annaeus) and a fellow student of the poet Lucan, who admired all he wrote, Persius discovered his vocation as a satirist through reading the 10th book of Lucilius. He wrote painstakingly, and his book of satires was still incomplete at his premature death. The book, edited by his friends Cornutus and Caesius Bassus, was an immediate success. The six satires, amounting to 650 lines, are in hexameters; but what appears as a prologue, in which Persius (an extremely wealthy man) ironically asserts that he writes to earn his bread, not because he is inspired, is in choliambics. The first satire censures literary tastes of the day, reflecting the decadence of national morals. The remaining books are philosophical discussions on themes often treated by Seneca (Seneca, Lucius Annaeus), such as what may rightly be asked of the gods, the necessity of self-knowledge for public men, and the Stoic doctrine of freedom.

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  • PERSIUS — doctissimus Romanorum: Cicero l. 2. de Orat. c. 6. C. Lucilius homo doctus, et perurbanus dicere solebat; Ea quae scriberet, neque se ab indoctissimis, neque a doctissimis legi velle: quod alteri nihil intelligerent, alteri plusfortasse quam ipse …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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