- peridotite
—peridotitic /per'i doh tit"ik, peuh rid'euh-/, adj./per"i doh'tuyt, peuh rid"euh tuyt'/, n.a coarsely granular igneous rock composed chiefly of olivine with an admixture of various other minerals.[1895-1900; < F; see PERIDOT, -ITE1]
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Coarse-grained, heavy, igneous rock that contains at least 10% olivine, other iron-and magnesium-rich minerals (generally pyroxenes), and not more than 10% feldspar.Peridotite is the ultimate source of all chromium ore and naturally occurring diamonds, and of nearly all chrysotile asbestos. Nearly all peridotite is more or less altered to serpentine; in warm, humid climates peridotite and serpentine have weathered to soils and related deposits that, though now worked on a relatively small scale, are potential sources of iron, nickel, cobalt, and chromium.* * *
▪ rocka coarse-grained, dark-coloured, heavy, intrusive igneous rock that contains at least 10 percent olivine, other iron- and magnesia-rich minerals (generally pyroxenes), and not more than 10 percent feldspar. It occurs in four main geologic environments: (1) interlayered with iron-, lime-, and magnesia-rich rocks in the lower parts of tabular-layered igneous complexes or masses; (2) in alpine-type mountain belts as irregular, olivine-rich masses, with or without related gabbro; (3) in volcanic pipes (funnels, more or less oval in cross section, that become narrower with increasing depth) as kimberlite; and (4) as dikes (tabular bodies injected in fissures) and irregular masses with rocks exceptionally rich in potash and soda. The layered complexes are believed to have been formed in place by selective crystallization and crystal settling from a previously intruded fluid or magma; the remaining types seem to have ranged from fluid magmas to semisolid crystal mushes at the time of emplacement. See also dunite; kimberlite.Peridotite is the ultimate source of all chromium ore and naturally occurring diamonds, and of nearly all chrysotile asbestos. It is one of the main host rocks of talc deposits and platinum metals and formerly was a major source of magnesite. Fresh dunite is used in parts of glass furnaces. Nearly all peridotite is more or less altered to serpentine and is cut by many irregular shear surfaces; in warm, humid climates peridotite and serpentine have weathered to soils and related deposits that, though now worked on a relatively small scale, are enormous potential sources of iron, nickel, cobalt, and chromium.* * *
Universalium. 2010.