
/perr"cheuh ron', -sheuh-/, n.
one of a French breed of draft horses, having a gray or black coat. Also called Percheron Norman.
[1870-75; < F; named after Perche, French district where first bred]

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Heavy breed of draft horse that originated in France's Perche region.

The breed probably stems from the medieval Flemish "great horse," which was modified by Oriental and draft-type blood to produce animals for heavy farm work. Percherons became popular in the U.S. in the 1850s and influenced U.S. agriculture more than any other draft breed. They average 16–17 hands (64–68 in. [163–173 cm]) high and weigh 1,900–2,100 lb (860–950 kg). Common colours are black and gray. Agile and energetic for their size, they have a mild disposition.

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 heavy draft- horse breed that originated in the Perche region of France. The breed probably stems from the Flemish “great horse” of the Middle Ages; modified by Arabian blood to develop a coach-horse type, it was changed again in the 19th century by introduction of draft-type blood to produce animals for heavy farm work. Although a few Percherons were imported earlier, they did not become popular draft animals in the United States until after 1851. Before mechanization revolutionized farming, Percherons were widespread and influenced American agriculture more than any other draft breed.

      Percherons average 16 to 17 hands (64 to 68 inches, or 163 to 173 cm) high and weigh 1,900 to 2,100 pounds (860 to 950 kg). The head is fairly small and clean cut, the neck long, and the body well muscled. Common colours are black and gray. Percherons are agile and energetic for their size and display a mild disposition. The Percheron Horse Association of America and its predecessor organizations date from 1902.

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