
/peuh lop"i deuhs/, n.
died 364 B.C., Greek general and statesman of Thebes.

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Theban statesman

died 364 BC, Cynoscephalae, Thessaly [now in Greece]

      Theban statesman and general responsible, with his friend Epaminondas, for the brief period (371362) of Theban hegemony in mainland Greece.

      In 385 Pelopidas served in a Theban contingent sent to support the Spartans at Mantineia, where he was seriously wounded but was saved by Epaminondas. Upon the seizure of the Theban citadel by the Spartans (382), Pelopidas fled to Athens and took the lead in a conspiracy to liberate Thebes. In 379 his party surprised and killed their chief political opponents and, by arousing the Theban people, were able to force the Spartan garrison to surrender. In this and subsequent years he was elected boeotarch, or chief magistrate, of Thebes. Pelopidas was the leader of the Sacred Band, a selected infantry body of 300, which routed a large Spartan force at Tegyra (near Orchomenus, Boeotia) in 375 and distinguished itself in the defeat of Sparta at the decisive battle of Leuctra (371).

      In 369, in response to a petition of the Thessalians, an army under Pelopidas checked the ambitions of Alexander, tyrant of Pherae, and drove the forces of the king of Macedonia out of Thessaly. Later Pelopidas was seized by Alexander, and two expeditions from Thebes were needed to win his release. Finally Pelopidas defeated Alexander at Cynoscephalae (364) but was killed in the combat.

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