Pelagius I

Pelagius I
died A.D. 561, pope 556-561.

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born , Rome
died March 4, 561, Rome

      pope from 556 to 561. His ecclesiastical roles under popes St. Agapetus I, St. Silverius, and Vigilius were highly important in the history of the church.

      As a deacon, Pelagius accompanied Agapetus to Constantinople to help him dissuade the Byzantine emperor Justinian I from attempting the reconquest of Italy. Before he died at Constantinople, Agapetus appointed Pelagius nuncio. When the Byzantine empress Theodora, Justinian's wife, apparently effected the deposition and banishment in March 537 of Agapetus' successor, Silverius, Pelagius returned to Rome. After the deacon Vigilius was made pope, Pelagius went to Constantinople, where he counselled Justinian, returning to Rome as imperial representative.

      In the church, a massive complication, subsequently called theThree Chapters Controversy,” arose in reaction to Justinian's edict of 544 against certain Nestorian writings. When Vigilius was summoned to Constantinople in 545 to ratify the edict, Pelagius served as defender of Rome when it was captured in 546 by the Ostrogothic king Totila, whom he courageously persuaded to spare the Romans. Since the Goths had been warring with the Byzantines in Italy, Totila sent Pelagius on an unsuccessful mission to Constantinople to negotiate a settlement with Justinian.

      Pelagius remained in Constantinople with Vigilius, whom he accompanied to Rome and back to Constantinople in 552, where they refused to attend the council of 553 to settle theThree Chapters Controversy.” The council condemned the Nestorian writings and their authors. When, however, Vigilius decided, in 554, to sanction Justinian's edict and the council's condemnation, Pelagius withdrew his support of the Pope, for which he was excommunicated. To Justinian, Pelagius wrote letters against Vigilius, the Byzantine emperor, and to the Council of Constantinople. Imprisoned, he was not released until the death in 555 of Vigilius, whom he formally condemned in his In defensione trium capitulorum (“In Defense of the Three Chapters”). Although rumours persisted about his role in the death of his predecessor, Pelagius was reconciled with Justinian and was elected, through imperial insistence, to succeed Vigilius in 555, being consecrated at Rome on April 16, 556.

      Italy, meanwhile, remained in chaos. The West had not accepted the decrees of the Council of Constantinople, and a schism immediately erupted that continued until 610. One of Pelagius' most urgent problems was to rebuild Rome, a task made easier because Justinian in 554 had promulgated his Pragmatic Sanction, confirming and increasing the pope's temporal power. In effect, Pelagius was the official protector of the civil population. By making his new rights resolute and by organizing the temporal government of papal sovereignty, Pelagius began the foundation of the papacy's political power. With the Eastern emperors no longer papal opponents, his role as spiritual head of the church shifted to the danger of barbarian invasion and the protection of the Italian peoples.

      Pelagius was unable to prevent the bishops of Milan and Istria from schism because as pope he reversed his opinion and upheld the Council of Constantinople. His aim was church unification, and his power was set by the imperial government. Pelagius' pontificate illustrates the enormous difficulties of his time. Editions of his writings appeared in 1932 and 1956.

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