
/peep/, v.i.
1. to look through a small opening or from a concealed location.
2. to look slyly, pryingly, or furtively.
3. to look curiously or playfully.
4. to come partially into view; begin to appear: the first crocuses peeping through the snow-covered ground.
5. to show or protrude slightly.
6. a quick or furtive look or glance.
7. the first appearance, as of dawn.
8. an aperture for looking through.
[1425-75; late ME pepe; assimilated var. of PEEK]
Syn. 1, 2. PEEP, PEEK, PEER mean to look through, over, or around something. To PEEP or PEEK is usually to give a quick look through a narrow aperture or small opening, often furtively, slyly, or pryingly, or to look over or around something curiously or playfully: to peep over a wall; to peek into a room. PEEK is often associated with children's games. To PEER is to look continuously and narrowly for some time, esp. in order to penetrate obscurity or to overcome some obstacle in the way of vision: The firefighter peered through the smoke.
/peep/, n.
1. a short, shrill little cry or sound, as of a young bird; cheep; squeak.
2. any of various small sandpipers.
3. a slight sound or remark, esp. in complaint: I don't want to hear a peep out of any of you!
4. to utter the short, shrill little cry of a young bird, a mouse, etc.; cheep; squeak.
5. to speak in a thin, weak voice.
[1400-50; late ME pepen, pipen; cf. D, G piepen, OF piper, L pipare, Gk pippízein, Czech pípat, Lith pypti, all ult. of imit. orig.]
/peep/, n.
[1940-45, Amer.; appar. alter. of JEEP]

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also called  Stint,  

      any of about a dozen species of small sandpipers. Some are also called oxbirds or oxeyes. See sandpiper.

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Universalium. 2010.

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