
/pee'deuh fil"ee euh/, n. Psychiatry.
sexual desire in an adult for a child.
[1905-10; < NL; see PEDO-1, -PHILIA]

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▪ sexual behaviour
also spelled  Paedophilia,  

      psychosexual disorder in which an adult's arousal and sexual gratification occur primarily through sexual contact with prepubescent children (child abuse). The typical pedophile is unable to find satisfaction in an adult sexual relationship and may have low self-esteem, seeing sexual activity with a child as less threatening than that with an adult. Most pedophiles are men; the condition is extremely rare in women.

      Frequently the sexual encounter stops short of intercourse, the pedophile obtaining sexual gratification through fondling the child and sometimes through genital display alone. Reactions of the child victim can range from fright, particularly if force or violence is involved, to bewilderment or passive enjoyment. Although some children seem more upset by previous parental warnings than by an actual encounter, the sexual encounter can often be quite traumatic to them, especially if there is associated violence. There is also evidence that children who have been sexually victimized are more likely to be troubled adults. Studies have determined that boys who were sexually abused are more likely to become adult sex offenders. Sexually abused girls more frequently respond by self-destructive behaviours such as substance abuse or prostitution.

      Legally, pedophilia is considered in most Western nations to be one of the most serious of sexual offenses. In general, the younger the child and the greater the disparity in age between pedophile and victim, the more severe the penalty. Most severe penalties are usually reserved for pederasty, sexual contacts between adult males and young boys. More than half of those arrested for pedophilia are friends, relatives, or acquaintances of the child.

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Universalium. 2010.

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