
/payst/, n., v., pasted, pasting.
1. a mixture of flour and water, often with starch or the like, used for causing paper or other material to adhere to something.
2. any soft, smooth, and plastic material or preparation.
3. dough, esp. when prepared with shortening, as for making pie crust and other pastry: puff paste.
4. any of various semisoft fruit confections of pliable consistency: almond paste; guava paste.
5. a preparation of fish, tomatoes, or other food reduced to a smooth, soft mass, as for a relish or for seasoning.
6. pasta.
7. a mixture of clay, water, etc., for making pottery or porcelain.
8. Jewelry.
a. a brilliant, heavy glass, as strass, used for making artificial gems.
b. an artificial gem of this material.
9. Slang. a hard smack, blow, or punch, esp. on the face.
10. to fasten or stick with paste or the like.
11. to cover with something applied by means of paste.
12. Slang. to hit (a person) hard, esp. on the face.
[1350-1400; ME < MF < LL pasta dough < Gk pastá barley porridge, n. use of neut. pl. of PASTÓS, verbid of pássein to strew, sprinkle; a pasta was orig. a kind of gruel sprinkled with salt; (defs. 9, 12) prob. by assoc. with BASTE3]

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      heavy, very transparent flint glass that simulates the fire and brilliance of gemstones because it has relatively high indices of refraction and strong dispersion (separation of white light into its component colours). From a very early period the imitation of gems was attempted. The Romans in particular were very skillful in the production of coloured-glass pastes, which copied especially emerald and lapis lazuli. With an increasing demand for jewelry, the number of imitations steadily increased. In 1758 the Viennese goldsmith Joseph Strasser succeeded in inventing a colourless glass paste that could be cut and that superficially approached the sparkle of genuine diamond; the products of this paste are called strass stones.

      Before 1940 most imitation gems were made from glass with a high lead content. Such glasses were called paste because the components of the mixture were mixed wet to ensure a thorough and even distribution. Colourless paste is commonly formulated from 300 parts of silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2), 470 of red lead (a lead oxide, Pb3O4), 163 of potassium carbonate (K2CO3), 22 of borax (a sodium borate, Na2B4O7·10H2O), and 1 of white arsenic (arsenic oxide, As2O3). Pigments may be added to give the paste any desired colour: chromium compounds for red or green, cobalt for blue, gold for red, iron for yellow to green, manganese for purple, and selenium for red.

      Pastes are softer than ordinary or crown glass but have a higher index of refraction and dispersion that give them great brilliancy and fire. The cheaper paste imitations are pressed or molded, but, on the better-quality stones, the facets are cut and polished. Molded-glass imitations can be identified with a hand lens, because the edges between the facets are rounded whereas cut glass has sharp edges. Cut paste stones may be distinguished from real ones in several ways: (1) paste has air bubbles, natural stones do not; (2) paste is a poor conductor of heat, and so paste stones feel warm to the touch; and (3) paste, like all glass, has an easy conchoidal fracture, yielding brilliant curved surfaces particularly on the girdle (the widest part) of mounted stones near the mounting prongs. Other differentiation methods involve hardness (paste is softer than real stones and will not scratch ordinary glass), index of refraction (1.50–1.80, less than diamond at 2.42), specific gravity (between 2.5 and 4.0, depending on the amount of red lead used), and isotropic character (because paste has the same properties in all directions, it shows only single refraction and no dichroism, whereas most natural stones are partially doubly refractive and dichroic).

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