
partisanship, partisanry, n.
/pahr"teuh zeuhn, -seuhn/; Brit. /pahr'teuh zan"/, n.
1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.
2. Mil. a member of a party of light or irregular troops engaged in harassing an enemy, esp. a member of a guerrilla band engaged in fighting or sabotage against an occupying army.
3. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of partisans; partial to a specific party, person, etc.: partisan politics.
4. of, pertaining to, or carried on by military partisans or guerrillas.
Also, partizan.
[1545-55; < MF < Upper It partezan (Tuscan partigiano), equiv. to part(e) faction, PART + -ezan ( < VL *-es- -ESE + L -ianus -IAN)]
Syn. 1. See follower. 3. biased, prejudiced.
Ant. 1. opponent.
/pahr"teuh zeuhn, -seuhn/, n.
a shafted weapon of the 16th and 17th centuries, having as a head a long spear blade with a pair of curved lobes at the base.
Also, partizan. Cf. halberd.
[1550-60; < MF partizane < Upper It partezana, prob. by ellipsis from *arma partezana weapon borne by members of a faction; see PARTISAN1]

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Yugoslavian military force

      member of a guerrilla force led by the Communist Party of Yugoslavia during World War II against the Axis powers, their Yugoslav collaborators, and a rival resistance force, the royalist Chetniks.

      Germany and Italy occupied Yugoslavia in April 1941, but it was not until Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June of that year that the Yugoslav communists were ordered to mount attacks against Axis units. Under the direction of the party leader, Josip Broz Tito (Tito, Josip Broz), Partisan detachments conducted small-scale sabotage until September 1941, when they occupied the Serbian town of Užice and proclaimed a liberated Užice Republic. The Partisans' clear intent to go beyond national liberation to create a socialist federation alienated them from the Chetniks (Chetnik), who were mostly Serbian soldiers loyal to the exiled king. The two forces also fell out over atrocities committed by the Germans in reprisal for acts of resistance; the Chetniks wished to avoid provoking such atrocities, but Tito calculated that they would drive yet more people into the resistance. Even after the Partisans were forced to retreat into the mountains of Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, they attracted enough recruits to designate themselves the People's Liberation Army (PLA), with elite Proletarian Brigades selected for their fighting abilities, ideological commitment, and all-Yugoslav character. In November 1942 Tito demonstrated the strength of his movement by convening the Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia, which eventually became a provisional government.

      Fearful that a powerful resistance force might encourage the Allies to invade the Balkan Peninsula, the Germans and Italians led seven major offensives against the PLA. The turning point of the war came in May 1943, when Partisans escaped encirclement in Herzegovina by forcing an exit up the Sutjeska Gorge. The battle of Sutjeska was of first importance in persuading the Allies to switch their support from the royalists to the communists. Anglo-American and Soviet arms and equipment thenceforth were supplied in ever-increasing amounts. The Italian surrender in the fall of 1943 relieved the military pressure on the Partisans, who also benefited from the capture of considerable supplies of munitions and equipment. By the end of 1943 the PLA had grown to an estimated 300,000 troops and had diverted a significant number of enemy forces from other Allied fronts. In October 1944 Partisans took part in the liberation of Belgrade by the Soviet Red Army; they were then able to focus their campaigns against the Chetniks and other Yugoslav collaborators.

      On March 1, 1945, the PLA was reconstituted as the Yugoslav People's Army (YPA). During the Cold War, nonaligned Yugoslavia adopted a strategy ofTotal National Defenseagainst possible invasion by the Soviet bloc or the Western allies, in which the YPA was supplemented by locally based, Partisan-style Territorial Defense Forces. Upon the disintegration of Yugoslavia in 199192, these militias became the nuclei of armed forces that defended seceding republics from the YPA.

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  • partisan — partisan, ane [ partizɑ̃, an ] n. et adj. • 1477; it. partigiano, de parte « part, partie » I ♦ N. (Rare au fém.) 1 ♦ Personne qui est attachée, dévouée à qqn, à un parti. ⇒ adepte, allié, ami, disciple, fidèle; aficionado, 2. supporter; péj.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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