
/par'euh mat"euh/, n.

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      city within the Sydney metropolitan area, New South Wales, Australia. It lies along the 15-mile- (24-km-) long Parramatta River (which enters Port Jackson harbour). The second European settlement in Australia, it was founded in 1788 by Governor Arthur Phillip as a western outlying farm colony of Sydney. Initially called Rose Hill, it was renamed Parramatta, an Aboriginal word meaninghead of waters,” the year after it was proclaimed a town in 1790. In its early years it was larger and of greater importance than Sydney. Incorporated as a municipality in 1861, it became a city in 1938 and was expanded in 1948, 1959, and 1972 by the inclusion of surrounding centres. It serves a region with plant nurseries and mixed vegetable farms and is industrialized to include motor-vehicle assembly, flour milling, and textile, paint, tile, tire, and asbestos manufacture. Parramatta has many historic buildings, including Elizabeth Farm House (1793; the nation's oldest home still standing), Experiment Farm Cottage (1798), and the Kings School (1832). Pop. (2006) local government area, 148,324.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Parramatta — /pærəˈmætə/ (say paruh matuh) noun a city in NSW in Sydney s metropolitan west; the second settlement established after by Governor Phillip after the arrival of the First Fleet. {Australian Aboriginal; Dharug burra place + matta eels} Parramatta… …  

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