
/pahr"meuh/; for 1 also It. /pahrdd"mah/, n.
1. a city in N Italy, SE of Milan. 177,934.
2. a city in NE Ohio. 92,548.

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City (pop, 2001 prelim.: 156,172), Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy.

Located on the Parma River, the site was founded by the Romans in 183 BC; it became an episcopal see in the 4th century AD. Parma was destroyed by the Ostrogoths under Theodoric I but was rebuilt in the Middle Ages. Made part of the duchy of Parma and Piacenza in 1545, it was held by the Farnese family and later passed to the Austrians. In 1815 Napoleon gave the city to his second consort, Marie-Louise. In 1861 it became part of united Italy. It was badly damaged during World War II but was rebuilt. It is the commercial centre of an agricultural region and is famous for its Parmesan cheese. Sites of interest include the 12th-century Romanesque cathedral, the 13th-century baptistery, and the university (founded in the 11th century).

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      city, in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, on the Parma River, northwest of Bologna. Founded by the Romans along the Via Aemilia in 183 BC, Parma was important as a road junction; its trade flourished, and it obtained Roman citizenship. It became an episcopal see in the 4th century and was later destroyed by the Ostrogoth king Theodoric. The city was rebuilt in the Middle Ages and was ruled by its bishops from the 9th century. Parma enjoyed communal liberty in the late 12th and 13th centuries, until its involvement in the struggles between the Holy Roman Empire and the papacy in the early 14th century led to its subjugation by a series of lordships. Made part of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza by Pope Paul III in 1545, it was held by the Farnese dukes and later passed to the Austrians, from whom it was taken by Napoleon, who in 1815 gave it to his second consort, Marie Louise of Austria. In 1831 and 1848 it took part in the risings for independence and in 1861 became part of united Italy (see also Parma and Piacenza, Duchy of). During World War II the city was extensively damaged by Allied bombardment.

      Famous natives of Parma include the music conductor Arturo Toscanini, the architect and sculptor Benedetto Antelami, and the painters Correggio (Antonio Allegri) and Parmigianino (Francesco Mazzola). The printer and typeface designer Giambattista Bodoni worked and died there.

      The city's imposing Romanesque cathedral, rebuilt after an earthquake in the 12th century, contains magnificent works by Antelami and Correggio, and there are sculptures by Antelami and others of his school in the nearby baptistery (11961260). The church of S. Giovanni Evangelista (14941510) has frescoes by Correggio and arabesques by Michelangelo Anselmi. The church of Sta. Maria della Steccata (152139), the burial place of the Farnese family, is in the form of a Greek cross with a cupola displaying frescoes by Parmigianino. The 16th-century abbey of S. Paolo, with the Camera della Badessa (Room of the Abbess), has been splendidly decorated by Correggio. Notable secular landmarks include the Palazzo della Pilotta (begun 1583), residence of the Farnese dukes, containing the picture gallery, the Biblioteca Palatina (Palatine Library), and the National Museum of Antiquities; the partly ruined Palazzo Ducale (1564); and the Farnese Theatre (1618), all of which were restored after World War II. The university was founded in the 11th century and reorganized in 1601 by Ranuccio I Farnese.

      Parma is an important rail and road junction on the main routes from Milan to Bologna. Its economy is mainly agricultural. Parmesan cheese is world famous. Machinery, pharmaceuticals, fertilizer, shoes, and alcohol are also made. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 175,789.

      city, Cuyahoga county, northeastern Ohio, U.S., a southern suburb of Cleveland. Settled by New Englanders in 1816, it was known as Greenbriar until 1826, when it became the township of Parma, named for the Italian city. A small section seceded to form Parma Heights in 1911, and in 1924 the remainder of the township became the village of Parma. After a 1931 proposal for annexation to Cleveland was defeated, Parma was organized (1931) as a city. Because of industrial expansion during World War II and postwar urban flight from Cleveland to the suburbs, Parma's population increased more than fivefold between 1940 and 1960. Manufactures now include automotive parts, tools, and dies. Pop. (2000) 85,655; (2005 est.) 81,469.

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Universalium. 2010.

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