
/pah rddee'kooh teen"/, n.
a volcano in W central Mexico: formed by an eruption 1943-52. 8200 ft. (2500 m).

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Volcano, western Michoacán state, west-central Mexico.

It is about 9,100 ft (2,775 m) high and is one of the youngest volcanoes on Earth. It began to erupt in an open field in 1943 and buried the village of Parícutin. Eruptions ceased in 1952.

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      volcano, western Michoacán state, west-central Mexico, just north of the Tancítaro Peak and 20 miles (32 km) west-northwest of Uruapan. It is one of the youngest volcanoes on Earth.

      On Feb. 20, 1943, Paricutín began to erupt in an open field. The fire, lava, and ashes destroyed and buried two villages and hundreds of homes. In the first year, the volcano's cone had risen 1,475 feet (450 metres) from the base (at 7,480 feet [2,280 metres] above sea level) and had buried the village of Paricutín. Its peak had reached an elevation of 9,210 feet (2,808 metres) in 1952, when the eruptions finally ended. The partially buried church of San Juan Parangaricutiro at the edge of the village of Paricutín is a local tourist attraction.

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