parament — PARAMÉNT, paramente, s.n. Partea exterioară finită a unei construcţii, a unui element de construcţie etc.; material care căptuşeşte (cu scop ornamental) această parte. – Din germ. Parament. Trimis de valeriu, 03.02.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 paramént… … Dicționar Român
Parament — Par a*ment, n. [Sp. paramento, from parar to prepare, L. parare.] Ornamental hangings, furniture, etc., as of a state apartment; rich and elegant robes worn by men of rank; chiefly in the plural. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Lords in paraments on their… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Parament — (v. lat.), 1) überhaupt ein liturgisches Gewand des katholischen Priesters, gewebte od. gestickte Bekleidung od. Verzierung des Altars, des Bodens etc. Die hauptsächlichsten P e sind die Casel, das oberste Gewand des Messelesenden, die Dalmatik,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Parament — Gebhardsmitra, Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts, Stift Admont Frater … Deutsch Wikipedia
Parament — A Parament or Parement; (from Late Latin paramentum , adornment, parare , to prepare, equip), a term applied by ancient writers to the hangings or ornaments of a room of state. Later it has referred to the liturgy hangings on and around the altar … Wikipedia
parament — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin paramentum, from parare to adorn, from Latin, to prepare more at pare Date: 15th century an ornamental ecclesiastical hanging or vestment … New Collegiate Dictionary
parament — noun /ˈpaɹəmənt/ a) A type of elaborate robe especially as worn by someone in power or a religious official. b) A liturgical hanging on and around the altar, as well as the cloth hanging from the pulpit and lectern … Wiktionary
Parament — Pa|ra|mẹnt 〈n. 11〉 Gegenstand aus Stoff für gottesdienstl. Zwecke, z. B. Altardecke, Fahne [neulat.; zu lat. parare „bereiten“] * * * Pa|ra|mẹnt, das; [e]s, e <meist Pl.> [mlat. paramentum, zu lat. parare, ↑ 1parieren]: im christlichen… … Universal-Lexikon
parament — pa|ra|ment Mot Agut Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
paramént — s. n., pl. paraménte … Romanian orthography