
/pah'pee ay"tay, peuh pee"tee/, n.
a city on NW Tahiti, in the Society Islands: capital of the Society Islands and of French Polynesia. 24,000.

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Seaport (pop., 1996: 25,353), capital of French Polynesia.

It is located on the northwestern coast of Tahiti. A tropical city with tall palms and exotic flowers, it is one of the largest urban and commercial centres in the South Pacific. By 1829 its excellent harbour made it a place of trade and a port of call for whalers. In 1880 it was annexed by the French, and it became a commune in 1890. It is a major tourist base and a centre for Pacific Rim trade.

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 commune, capital of the French overseas country of French Polynesia in the South Pacific Ocean. A gracious tropical city with tall palms and abundant flowers, Papeete lies on the northwest coast of Tahiti and is one of the largest urban centres in the South Pacific. Its excellent harbour made it, by the 1830s, a place of trade and a favourite port of call for whalers. After annexation by the French (1880), it was made the seat of the governor, and in 1890 it became a commune.

      Papeete is a major stop for transpacific ships and airlines; an international airport is located in the suburb of Faaa. Copra, sugarcane, mother-of-pearl, vanilla, and coffee are exported. It is a major tourist base serving both Tahiti and the other French Polynesian islands. Beginning in the late 20th century, a large number of people from other parts of French Polynesia migrated to Papeete, causing the rapid growth of Faaa and the other suburbs of Punaauia, Pirae, and Mahina. The population also includes those of Chinese and European ancestry. Pop. (2002) commune, 26,181; urban agglom., 124,864.

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Universalium. 2010.

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