- pant
—pantingly, adv./pant/, v.i.1. to breathe hard and quickly, as after exertion.2. to gasp, as for air.3. to long with breathless or intense eagerness; yearn: to pant for revenge.4. to throb or heave violently or rapidly; palpitate.5. to emit steam or the like in loud puffs.6. Naut. (of the bow or stern of a ship) to work with the shock of contact with a succession of waves. Cf. work (def. 30).v.t.7. to breathe or utter gaspingly.n.8. the act of panting.9. a short, quick, labored effort at breathing; gasp.10. a puff, as of an engine.11. a throb or heave, as of the breast.[1400-50; late ME panten < MF pant(a)is(i)er < VL *phantasiare to have visions < Gk phantasioûn to have or form images. See FANTASY]Syn. 1. puff, blow. PANT, GASP suggest breathing with more effort than usual. PANT suggests rapid, convulsive breathing, as from violent exertion or excitement: to pant after running for the train. GASP suggests catching one's breath in a single quick intake, as from amazement, terror, and the like, or a series of such quick intakes of breath, as in painful breathing: to gasp with horror; to gasp for breath. 3. thirst, hunger.pant2/pant/, adj.1. of or pertaining to pants: pant cuffs.n.2. See pant leg.3. pants (defs. 1, 2).[1890-95; sing. of PANTS]
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Universalium. 2010.