- pansophy
—pansophic /pan sof"ik/, pansophical, adj. —pansophically, adv./pan"seuh fee/, n.universal wisdom or knowledge.[1635-45; PAN- + -SOPHY]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Pansophy — Pan so*phy, n. [Pan + Gr. ? wisdom, ? wise: cf. F. pansophie.] Universal wisdom; esp., a system of universal knowledge proposed by Comenius (1592 1671), a Moravian educator. [R.] Hartlib. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pansophy — [pan′sə fē] n. [ModL pansophia < Gr pan, all (see PAN ) + sophia, wisdom] 1. universal knowledge or wisdom 2. pl. pansophies a system or work embracing all knowledge pansophic [pan′säf′ik] adj. pansophical … English World dictionary
pansophy — noun Universal (complete) knowledge or a system of such universal knowledge … Wiktionary
pansophy — universal knowledge Words of Wisdom … Phrontistery dictionary
pansophy — pan·so·phy … English syllables
pansophy — /ˈpænsəfi/ (say pansuhfee) noun universal wisdom or knowledge. {pan + Greek sophia wisdom} –pansophic /pænˈsɒfɪk/ (say pan sofik), pansophical /pænˈsɒfɪkəl/ (say pan sofikuhl), adjective …
pansophy — fē noun ( es) Etymology: New Latin pansophia, from pan + Greek sophia wisdom 1. : universal wisdom or encyclopedic knowledge; also : a system of universal knowledge 2 … Useful english dictionary
Comenius, John Amos — Czech Jan Amos Komenský born March 28, 1592, Nivnice, Moravia died Nov. 15, 1670, Amsterdam, Neth. Czech educational reformer and religious leader. He favoured the learning of Latin to facilitate the study of European culture but emphasized… … Universalium
Pansophism — Pansophism, in older usage often pansophy, is a concept of omniscience, meaning all knowing . In some monotheistic belief systems, a god is referred as the ultimate knowing spirit. Someone who is pansophical is someone who claims to have obtained … Wikipedia
Pansophical — Pan*soph ic*al, a. [See {Pansophy}.] All wise; claiming universal knowledge; as, pansophical pretenders. [R.] John Worthington. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English