
/pan day"neuhs, -dan"euhs/, n., pl. pandanuses.
any plant of the genus Pandanus, having sword-shaped leaves arranged in a spiral, comprising the screw pines.
[1770-80; < NL, based on Malay pandan name for such plants]

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also called  screw pine 
 any of some 600 tropical species of Old World trees and shrubs of the screw pine family, Pandanaceae. Pandanus trees typically have slender palmlike stems and produce from their trunks and stems aerial prop roots that are often huge; these, together with their terminal crowns of swordlike leaves, give the plants a distinctive appearance.

      The genus is characterized by numerous long, narrow, parallel-veined, palmlike leaves with spiny margins and midribs that are produced in tufts at the branch tips in three or four close, twisted ranks around the stem, forming the screwlike helices of leaves that give the common name screw pine to these plants. They grow along seacoasts and in marshy places and forests of tropical and subtropical regions, especially in Asia, Africa, and Oceania.

 The flowers are simple, petalless, usually densely clustered, and either male or female, the sexes being produced on different plants. The fruits of many are heavy ball-shaped or conelike aggregates produced by the coalescence of the developing ovaries of many adjacent flowers. Hollow spaces inside the fruits enable them to float, thus aiding in distribution. Fruit-eating birds and bats also distribute the seeds of some species.

      Much use is made of the leaves for thatching, mats, hats, ropes, twine, sails for small boats, baskets, and fibre products, especially of those from the thatch screw pine, or pandanus palm (Pandanus tectorius), which is native to Micronesia and Hawaii, and the common screw pine (P. utilis). Fibres are also obtained from the aerial roots. The fleshy fruits and seeds of some species (including P. utilis and the Nicobar Islands breadfruit, P. leram) are edible. A few species are grown as greenhouse subjects (e.g., P. pygmaeus [native to Madagascar] and P. veitchii [a popular houseplant]). The candelabrum tree (P. candelabrum) is especially favoured as an outdoor ornamental in warm regions and as a conservatory plant and houseplant. The leaves of P. amaryllifolius are used in Southeast Asian cooking, notably in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. P. odoratissimus, which is native to South and Southeast Asia, has flowers whose essence (called pandanus, or kewra, water) is used as a flavouring in North Indian foods.

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